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Our Mission

We are a community platform that wants you to know that it is possible for you to be financially educated & independent while you raise some incredible children.

Work can be incredibly difficult for some of us and whether you have chosen to stay home to raise your children, are working part-time, full-time or self employed.

We want you to know that the power is in your hands to live a life that works for you.

As seen on

Vapaudu Voimaasi Podcast

Asiaa henkisestä kasvusta, merkityksellisyyden tunteesta, kokonaisvaltaisesta hyvinvoinnista sekä itsetuntemuksesta. Tämä podcast tarjoaa sinulle yksinkertaistettua asiaa onnellisen ja terveen elämän avaimista, sekä omaan voimaan vapautumisesta. 


What They Say

I was honestly scared to death to really show up and participate in #Lightbeamers, so I watched mostly since January. I posted once or twice so I didnt feel so guilty about lurking from the sidelines. (All or nothing kind of girl) My full story terrifes me, however, after this week I feel much more confident breaking it down and sharing pieces, chapters with the world. The stories that I have shared were so well received on my personal pages, that I have the courage to continue and to keep growing. I will be visible and shine my bight light everywhere, its glow grows daily. 0

-Beth Bowman

First off, thank you pawTree for giving us this amazing opportunity. You'll probably never know how many lives you have changed. CO Second, thank you April! You gave us a challenge that was difficult, yet achievable, and your explanations and examples really showed us exactly what to do. jp My wins and take-aways: ▪ I'm pretty sure this is the first challenge I've ever completed 6 ▪ discovered that doing a FB live won't, in fact, kill me 0 III I finally understand the concept behind using storytelling to grow my business and that it's actually quite fun! 10 Other petPros (even the "big dogs") have the same fears and challenges that I do, so I need to quit with the excuses and get busy already.

-Laurie Emerson

When I found out I was going to be a mum, back in 2014, I realised that I'd have to leave my career. 

hen I found out I was going to be a mum, back in 2014, I realised that I'd have to leave my career. 

I travelled a lot, worked long hours and there was no way I was going to be able to manage that and being a mum. I was excited to spend time with this new little human but nothing prepared me for the emotions I would feel around losing my identity as a working woman.

I dived into self-employment with my partner and together we built a thriving business but it was his. It was his business.

I felt lost, like I had limited choices and I was really lacking in confidence in myself and my skills.

It was around this time that I started a side project business for myself. It was hard, I was alway last on my list but that little bit of income started to make me feel better about myself and what I could achieve.

As my business grew I would be approached by many other mums who asked where I had got help and support to start that business, the truth is, I hadn’t.

There wasn’t anywhere where I fitted.

Networking was too corporate and many support agencies just didn’t seem to think I was going to build a great business.

It irritated the heck out of me and I decided to change it.


Find a community of people that you can be vulnerable with, that you can be honest with, that you can share the really good stuff with, but you can also go to and be like ‘this has happened and I really need support’.


In 2018 I built an online business accelerator to help busy parents start and scale a brilliant business.

In 2020 I assembled an all female board of directors and registered as a social enterprise meaning any profit we make goes back into the business to benefit our community.

In 2021 we supported over 400 parents through our accelerator.

In 2022 we established 7 Mubo Hubs across Wales - safe spaces for parents to come and get supported in business/employment needs.

In readiness for 2023 we have launched Motherhood & Making Money as our digital brand for our online community.

Want to know more?

We want to create an amazing digital space where you can come and talk about motherhood and making your own money. You can do that by listening to our podcast, watching our YouTube channel, following us on social or joining our Motherhood & making money community here.

I am on a mission to help more women, make more money. 

Want to know more?  Sign up for my free '12 Ways to Make More Money' e-book.