
Unlocking a Stress-Free Week: 5 Simple Weekend Rituals for Mums in Business

grow your business motherhood Aug 21, 2023

Hey there, fabulous! Are you ready to conquer the week? We've got five game-changing tips to ensure your week starts on the right foot. Get ready to wave goodbye to stress and embrace a more organised and empowered you!

  1. Tackle That One Task You've Been Avoiding

We know it's been lingering in the back of your mind—the task you've been putting off. Well, it's time to face it head-on! Dedicate some time to tackle that one "sh*t" job that's been hanging over you. Whether it's filling in a form, making a phone call, or writing a tough email, getting it done will empower you and set the tone for an incredibly productive week. You've got this!

  1. Embrace the "Rubbish Out, Fresh Start" Mentality

Start the week fresh by physically emptying your rubbish bin. There's something incredibly satisfying about clearing out the clutter from the previous week. As you dispose of last week's remnants, allow your mind and body to follow suit. Embrace a clean slate and step into the new week with a refreshed mindset.

  1. Wardrobe Prep: Dress for Success with Ease

Spare yourself the "what to wear" dilemma by taking a peek at your weekly wardrobe in advance. Check if any work shirts need ironing or if another load of laundry is due. By organising your essential clothing pieces for the week, you'll eliminate a potential stressor when the morning rush kicks in. Remember, it's one less thing to worry about, and you'll stride confidently into each day.

  1. Sync Up with Your Calendar

Avoid last-minute surprises and ensure a smooth week by reviewing your calendar. Take a moment to familiarise yourself with upcoming events, appointments, and obligations. By staying in the know, you'll save money (no more rushed purchases) and relieve yourself of unnecessary stress. This is also the perfect time to check your bills, ensuring your financials are in order for the week ahead.

  1. Plan Your Culinary Delights

The secret ingredient to a fantastic week? Knowing you have food for nourishing lunches and dinners. Take a few moments to check your kitchen supplies and plan your meals, even if it's just for the first couple of days. Starting the week with a well-prepared menu will keep your wallet happy and your motivation high.

Since I've incorporated these tips into my routine, I've noticed that just 20 minutes of dedicated preparation on Sunday afternoon makes my week start smoother and stress-free. Trust me, it's a game-changer! So, go ahead and give these rituals a try, and get ready to unlock a more organised and empowered you!

Here's to an amazing week ahead!